Amy LaDeroute
When you need a voice that cares as much as you do
Warm, Soothing, Authentic Female Voice Over
You need a warm and trustworthy female voice to connect with your audience and deliver your message. With almost two decades of professional voice over experience, Amy LaDéroute is ready to meet all your voice over needs in medical narration, web video narration, commercial, e-learning, audiobooks, promo, and more! Amy’s creativity, coupled with her wacky and fun personality, make for engaging and effective voice over – every time.
Amy Offers You:
- Commercial
- Narration
- Promos
- eLearning & IVR
- Audiobooks
- Documentaries
- &more
Meet Amy LaDéroute, Professional Female Voice Over Talent
Amy LaDéroute has 15 years of professional voice over experience in a wide range of genres, including medical narration, web video narration, commercial, promo, and e-learning. Her sound is authentic, warm, and engaging – everything a voice actor needs to make a lasting connection with their audience. With a background in singing, acting, and sketch comedy writing, Amy has the dynamic energy and creativity to make every voice over script come to life!
For Amy, Voice Acting is a Natural Fit
Amy LaDéroute was doing voice over before she even knew what it was! As a kid, she was always acting out character voices and making up fun new languages. Her passion for using her voice started early – at just five years old, Amy’s dream was to become a professional singer. Staying true to her belief that everyone should follow their heart, Amy made her own dream come true. She spent 14 years as a singer, traveling on tour with different bands. She had a ton of fun, but what she didn’t realize at the time was that she was also getting excellent preparation for a successful career in voice over.
The turning point came when a friend of Amy’s asked her, have you ever thought about doing voice work? That’s all it took for Amy to realize that her passion and her skillset are perfectly suited to voice acting. Having worked as a professional singer, trained at an acting school in Asheville, and studied at Second City in Chicago, Amy’s diverse background and love of performing made for a seamless transition into the world of voice over.
High Quality, Versatile Female Voice Over – with Personality!
Amy is animated, heartfelt, and real. She has a big personality, and the big hair to match! But even though she can be goofy and gregarious, she can just as easily assume a calming, and soothing presence. Amy’s sound is warm and relatable, and makes her audience feel right at home. Her gentle, nurturing voice can make any technical or educational narration feel approachable and non-intimidating to the listener. That makes her perfect for medical narration, e-learning, instructional and training videos, and how-to tutorials.
Amy has many years of professional voice over experience working in radio, television, internet broadcasts including web video narration, and phone messaging. Her versatility allows her to take on many different roles, including the clear and convincing voice of a product commercial, the fun and friendly voice of a new company project, or the kind and compassionate voice of an assistive technology system.
Great voice over requires top-notch equipment, and Amy is prepared with her state-of-the-art home studio. Along with her audio engineer expert husband Ken, she offers in-house audio production from start to finish, delivering mastered high quality audio on par with what you would expect to hear in radio and on television. With both Amy and Ken being talented musicians, they can also produce jingles, original music, or sound design for all of your projects.
You can be sure that when you work with Amy LaDéroute, you’ll receive the highest quality results every time, and in record time.
Working Together to Achieve Your Goals
No matter what the project, Amy will always give her all and produce work that she’s proud of. She takes joy in making her clients happy, and in having the opportunity to help them achieve their goals. With Amy’s creativity, intuitiveness, and professional skills, she is able to expertly craft her voice to suit the specific needs of each project.
For Amy, voice acting isn’t just a job – it’s a passion. That means that for each and every script, she takes great care in delivering exactly the right emotions with every word. Not only that, she also fully embodies the role she is performing. Amy can often be found standing up in her booth, hands gesturing, providing animation to her words. In this way, the energy of her body language is channeled into her voice, ensuring that the message is communicated as effectively as possible.
Working with Amy, you really get the whole package – authentic female voice over tailored to your specific needs, and delivered with the highest quality sound. Amy’s happy clients include Disney, Smuckers, Wells Fargo, Gunnison Energy, Avera Medical Group, Kaspersky Labs, Halifax Health Care, and many others.
Check out Amy’s demo reels or reach out to her if you’d like to learn more. She’s ready to make your voice over project come to life!
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